Said Barack about Michelle: "She does everything I do, only backwards and in high heels." A gallant compliment, a lovely evening; a wonderful beginning.
In time, our romance with the new President will wear off too and be replaced by something less illusory and more practical, workable, clear-sighted, grounded. As with every successful marriage. I know that, and maybe you do too.
But this is a night for dancing - and dreaming. So let us enjoy love's ardours while they last. How often do we get the chance?
And your Head Trucker is turning in uncharacteristically early here, at the end of this long, joyous, historic day. I'm whipped boys, all wrung out; got to hit the hay now. Tomorrow, like the man said, we go to work to change America, and the world. So from away out on the Texas prairie, good night and God bless.
Update, 1/22: Found a video of Beyonce channeling Etta James and serenading the Obamas - who look as sweetly lovey-dovey as any young couple at the senior prom - at the Neighborhood Ball, their first dance of the evening. What a memory they made for us there.
And despite the Vice-President's protest that he can't dance, the Bidens didn't look too shabby, either.
I'm sure they were wore out too! It's nice to have some that didn't come from a moneyed background in office.
Yeah, they got where they are by their own wit and grit . . . not by using Daddy's famous name. What a concept, huh.
Let's hear it for Beyonce.
As the roommate remarked, she looked like she was awestruck herself at the historic moment. Think that was a peak experience for the young lady.
Yes, we thought that too, but given that, didn't she handle it well?
Oh yes. I don't know for certain that she was singing live, but her performance was perfection - wreathed in smiles too. A lovely keepsake in my memory.
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