C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today's Quote: Ted Haggard

Three excerpts from a recent interview with the San Francisco Chronicle on an upcoming HBO documentary about his gay sex-and-drugs scandal that wrecked his evangelical career:
"We as Christians know that God hates divorce, and we don't want to be advocates of divorce, but we certainly aren't opposed to there being divorce laws for society. And believers use those divorce laws a lot. There are lots of things that are principles in Scripture that we need to be very thoughtful about whether or not they should be inculcated into civil law."

"I think the government should recognize the union between people whether they're gay or not in whatever the language they choose, whether they call it a marriage or a civil union, it's up to them. If the government is going to be in the business of recognizing people grouped together as couples, then they need to do that across the board. It's a big change for me."

"I have thoroughly discussed my sex life with my wife and my therapist," he said. "I am very pleased with where I am today and I am completely contented with my relationship with my wife."
Less than an hour after the interview, Haggard's handlers called the reporter back to emphasize that Haggard actually is not in favor of gay marriage.

Go figure. Sad thing, what the closet does to people.


Ray's Cowboy said...

Ok, It sounded like he was, or am I mistaken? What people really do not know. I think it would help this economy. The reason serveral gay partners do not have health coverage. If you do not have the coverage who eats the payments? Tax forms I think would be better.
The list could go on.
Thank for the info.

Russ Manley said...

Poor Miss Thing is still very confused; he doesn't know what he thinks.

But you're right about the health care; in fact I think it's criminal that everyone in the country doesn't have affordable healthcare. Why the hell should private insurance companies/hospitals etc. make a profit off people's illnesses? That's fucked up. Big change needed here.

larry said...

poor miss thing needs another [massage] from that escort in denver...

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