Your Head Trucker is nothing if not outspoken, so let me clarify what I was trying to say about the now-cancelled "pig sex orgy" at the Doubletree Hotel in D.C. It's my blog, after all, and if you don't agree, well that's just tough, go get your own soapbox.
The more I reflect on it, the more I think this was a real asshole of an idea.
Any other week of the year, nobody would have paid any attention. But no, the organizers had to hold it during the Inaugural festivities, bringing attention to themselves and by extension to the whole gay community.
This isn't just a convention of leathermen. It's an all-out, no-holds-barred sex party, and the nastiest kind of sex. Oh swell, just fucking great, guys. That's exactly what half the population thinks all us gays are all about, all the time: a penis in a dirty hole. Or worse.
I been around long enough to know just what kind of guys go to that kind of party. Party boys: pretty enough or hung enough to make it past the velvet rope at the door; arrogant; narcissistic; don't-give-a-damn; the guys who have all their brains in their little head, and are proud of it.
Regardless of age, they are little boys who just can't say no. To a hot trick. Or to themselves.
Regardless of age, they are little boys who just can't say no. To a hot trick. Or to themselves.
And who, underneath the big, butch facade, are at heart deeply insecure about their own worth. Unable to live without the constant reinforcement and validation of sex. Preferably with strangers or "fresh meat" because God forbid they should ever feel a real, totally unselfish emotion for another human being. They are their dicks.
As I said before, I don't much care what people do with each other if everybody's having a good time and nobody hurt. But holding this event at a major hotel in the public conference rooms is totally inappropriate. And it brings hostility and shame on the rest of the gay community by doing it at a time when the nation's attention is focused on a new beginning.
Oh and don't think this is sour grapes. Trust me, I could probly get through the door all right if I had a mind to, and somewhere in the back of my closet is more than enough leather gear to dress to impress. Been there, done that. Found out what it was all about years ago, and not impressed a bit.
That kind of stupid, self-absorbed, mindless and utterly self-centered sex is not what I'm about, and not what I'm fighting for. There is much more to life, even gay life, than getting your rocks off any nasty way you can. But those guys don't get it. And never will.
Meanwhile, they just make it that much harder for the rest of us to make progress towards equal respect and dignity with the straight people. Thanks a lot, guys, you're a big damn help.
Meanwhile, they just make it that much harder for the rest of us to make progress towards equal respect and dignity with the straight people. Thanks a lot, guys, you're a big damn help.
yea russ, the iml convention is held in chicago every may and i don't think it conflicts with anything. just a thought...
I believe that it was porno pete himself who bitched about the event, mostly because of his inability to attend because of all the festivities taking place this week.
I agree with you. I feel the same way about a lot of the so-called "events" of the gay community. They do cast a bad light on everyone because a few chose to think with their dicks. They only care about their next orgasm.
Couldn't agree more.
Same with the leather drag. Been there - done that. Years ago, before AIDS.
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