Guess you guys have noticed I've added some advertisements to the Blue Truck lately. Hope they don't clutter up the place too much, do you think? I just figured what the hell, try it and see what happens. The first week I made a whole 48 cents off of them, and 52 cents the second week. Hey, even Bill Gates had to start somewhere, right?
At the moment I'm pissed about the "Christ Unveiled Ministries" ads that are popping up here. Those are put out by a church in Garland, next to Dallas, that's associated with the homo-hating American Family Association, among other rightwing groups. Bums me out big time, but so far I'm not seeing a way to filter out those kinds of ads in my Google AdSense account.
Anybody has a suggestion along that line, let me know. Meanwhile, just ignore. And click on some of the other ones once in a while, will ya? A little beer money wouldn't hurt . . . .
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
Originally I was going to post where you need to go but I couldn't find the setting either, LOL.
I had a similar problem myself; There were Yes On 8 ads appearing two days before the election. I never saw them being out of state.
In my case, it turned out Google took the Yes On 8 money and ran the ads, bypassing it's own policy.
Anyway, if I find the setting I'll post it here.
OK appreciate that. That AdSense stuff is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. And it really sucks being at Google's mercy with the content . . . .
Thankfully they aren't "in your face" type that assault you as soon as your page loads, or worse that slow down the loading. Those are very annoying. Everyone needs a little beer money or chardonnay as the case may be. So far I've resisted adding them to my blogs, but I WON'T say never.
Goto Adsense Help >>Competitive Ad Filter.
You should see a square box. In it, type in the url of the website you're looking to block and click save changes.
Found it, under My Account. Think I did that right, we'll see. Lemme know if those ads are still showing. Thanks much bud.
PS to Dave - I was wondering how they affected the loading for you guys, guess it is still ok, let me know if it gets too slow or something. Timing it here on my machine, loading seems about equivalent to big-dog bloggers like Andrew Sullivan's or, so I figure that's all right.
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