What I say: I always loved church, from the time I was a little boy. But I finally realized, much later than I should have, that I really am not wanted there. Not as I am - only as a silent, shut-away little boy, sexless and alone.I increasingly see organized religion as actually my enemy. They treat me as their enemy. Not all Christians, of course. Not all Jews, not all Muslims. But the leaders. . . . Why should I take the judgment of a declared celibate about my sexual needs? He's basing his judgment on laws that would fit life in the Bronze Age. So if I'm lost to God, organized religion is to blame.
So I've stopped wishing and hoping to fit in where my presence as a fully human, fully adult, fully sexual man will never be welcomed. But that's cool - God knows where I live, we visit all the time.
That is the main thing. You and God being together. Remember where ther is 2 or more in my name there is a church. It is not a building by the place in your heart that matters.
Also Russ, you have to remember that the Christian Right doesn't own God. They'd like you to think they do, that theirs is the one true God, but that's a lie.
There are many Gods and many ways to believe in my opinion and only one rule, that being to treat each other kindly.
I agree with both of you. God is not anybody's property. He's for everybody and in everybody. What seriously screwed a lot of us up at an early age was worshipping the God of the Heterosexuals - made in their own image - who has no love for us.
But that's a false god. See the Tutu quote in the sidebar of this blog.
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