Your Head Trucker has just survived possibly the worst weekend of his life: I'll spare you the gory details, it's just too gruesome. All I can say is, whatever this bug is that hit me, it was a strong man. But your Head Trucker, no candy-ass city boy, comes from a long line of good strong pioneer blood, and is happy to report that he was strong enough to prevail against the foe, and by the old-fashioned method: sweating it out.
(You young'uns don't know anything about that; you think you have to run to the doctor for some pretty little pills every time you have a pain or ache. What do you think cowboys and country people did before there were pretty little pills, and a doctor on every street corner - or even paved streets? Ask your grandmother.)
The proof being, I'm still alive and able to write these words to you this morning; though there was a time or two, all alone here, half-delirious with fever, running off from every outlet and seriously dehydrated, the outcome did seem a bit doubtful - but at those moments, you are so goddamn sick you don't really much care what the outcome is.
I'm still too shaky to work or concentrate for very long, but it seemed the crisis had passed by late yesterday afternoon, and I was able to eat (and retain) some solid food for the first time about 1 o'clock this morning. The good news is, in four days I've lost 10 pounds; though I can't really recommend that as a diet plan.
No pictures: it would fracture your screen to show you my haggard, wild-eyed face after this ordeal. So blogging may be light till I get my strength back but I'm okay. Hope you guys are having a good week and preparing for a happy turkey day.
Here's Cher singing my motto for the week. Skip the goofy visuals, just enjoy the music and the thought.
There's a Strong Chance Trump Is 'Russian Asset'
4 hours ago
Hi Russ,
glad and relieved to read that you're back on track, and sorry, to hear that it hit you that bad!
Anyway, welcome back, mate!
Glad you're on the mend Russ. I'm familiar with sweating it out, it totally works. My mother more than once put me in sweats under an electric blanket. Then in a bit she'd bring me a popsicle.
Have you ever thought that youmight have had the swine flu. It does hit people very hard. If you still have problems, please go to the doctor and have it check out. I know all about country people; since I have to be one, who lives inthe big city. I hardly go to the doctor myself. I feel like to many people go for those pretty little pills (Valley of the dolls....take the blue pill). Ithink that is why people get sick and we have these super bugs. MRSA,VRE and those list can go on. But seriously; if you still are sick please go to the doctor for me.
Hey Russ -
Glad to hear you are returning to the world of the living. I had a similar experience about this time last year (unusual for me as I rarely get sick). Thought I was gonna die and wished I would for a couple of days!!! So far this year, I've managed to dodge the bullet.
Stay hydrated, get lots of rest, be good to yourself, and if you start to relapse, don't mess around -- go for serious antibiotics!
Take care,
It sounds like swine flu to me. Be careful. From what I understand, sometimes there is a recurrence of a follow-up bacterial infection. If the fever returns, pretend you are a city boy and see a doc.
Guys thanks much for all your kind thoughts and concern. If I really and truly thought I was seriously ill with something I couldnt shake off, as has been the case a couple of times in my life, I would indeed go see the doc. This is just a heavy cold - after half a century of living in it, I know my body and its abilities pretty well - with some vitamin C, lots of sleep, and maybe a rum toddy thrown in, I'll be good as new in a week's time.
Which I promise you is exactly what the doctor would say too, after extracting a hundred dollars or more from my wallet. I've been through that scenario too many times to count. When I was a little boy, Mama got just as good results on me dipping up whiskey, lemon juice, and honey with a teaspoon, and that's a fact boys.
Living alone, the thing you miss at these times is the comforting hand on your forehead, the voice that asks, Can I get you anything dear? But that's a grown-up thing we all have to face.
Like Ennis said in the movie, If you can't fix it, you got to stand it. I can stand it - I have to, so bring it on.
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