C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Drive: More to Life Than This

Sometimes there's really only one person in the world you can confide in about certain things, ya know?

So I wrote to my oldest friend from college days, E., telling her what a mess I've made of things lately and what a fuck-up I've been my whole life.  Not that she needed to be told; being smart as a whip, I'm sure she clued in to that long ago.

And she, bless her heart, wrote back with these comforting words:
As for screwing up your life, who hasn't? Isn't that the point? To screw up your life and then die? Gosh, Russ, where've you been the last 50 years?

[And then, talking about a duet by Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson:]  Their obvious delight in this foolishness will make you smile. Except when you remember the tragic way each died. And then you might have to cry.

Until you remember that they simply fulfilled life's purpose: they screwed up and died.

And then you can smile through your tears.
You screw up your life and then die:  believe it or not, fellas, that really helps me right now. I hope it helps you too, if you need help.  There's a deep point of wisdom and even theology in there, if you look for it.

Thanks, E. - you're the best.  Hugs.

Note:  E. recommended the duet "State of Shock," which some of you might want to try out, but for this post I've substituted the above song, which clicks more with me.


Frank said...

I'm a member of that club.

David said...

I think if you ask most people, they'll tell you they've fucked up at some point. I think the trick is in the correcting and moving on. E. sounds very wise indeed.

Ray's Cowboy said...

Russ have you learned anything from the Fuck Ups?? That is what makes us grow as a person. To hopefully makes us better. I know some of us are doom to repeat our mistakes over and over, but for the most part, we learn and grow from our mistakes. I know I am a member of that FUCk Up Club, but I strive to make it better, so I can learn from those fuck ups.

Stan said...

I think we remember the fuck ups more than the righteous or good things we've done in our lives more because they are more devastating. The good things usually go unnoticed or unrewarded most of the time.

Russ Manley said...

You're both right on, guys . . . .

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