C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Monday, November 10, 2008

National Protest Day: Give a Damn!

This is our moment. This is our time to unite in common purpose
to change this country, to change the world.

Remember those stirring words from just a week ago?

Well, believe them. And believe this too, boys and girls: NOBODY is going to hand us equal rights on a platter, all nice and easy, no fuss no muss. "You want fries with that Constitution, Mary?"

Wake up.

Obama is a great guy; but he's not going to do it for us.

The courts in some states are sympathetic to gay and lesbian families; but they are not going to do it for us.

The legislatures and the Congress now contain many more gay allies than they used to; but they are not going to do it for us.

WE HAVE TO DO IT OURSELVES. Just like women, blacks, and every other minority you want to name. Nobody is going to fight for us unless we stand up like free men and women and fight for ourselves, for our civil rights, for our families, for our future.

Or do you just want to keep sitting on a barstool all your life, whining about how unfair society is, afraid and resentful and ultimately alone?

Or do you want what every other American has by right: the equal protection of the laws?

This is your time, your moment to get involved, to fight, to protest, to demonstrate, to educate, to reach out, to witness, to show the world your human worth, your need for liberty and justice and equality. This is your time to show who and what you are, and what you're made of, your time to EARN your rights. Your moment to give a damn.

As long as anyone can say, "YOU can't do X, Y, or Z because you're GAY" . . . you ain't equal, bud. You're just second class trash.

Nothing truly good ever comes easy, you have to work for it. So let's start right here, right now. Join the peaceful protests this Saturday, November 15. That's not the end of the struggle, just a new beginning. But go get off the couch, off the barstool, off the fence, and make your presence and your grievances and the justice of our cause known to your fellow citizens.

There's more and better work to do after that. But it's a start. And you'll feel a whole lot better if you do.

More info:

Join the Impact! - Nationwide Protest Locations (So far in Texas, planned in Dallas, Houston, and Austin)

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