C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dr. Phil Slams McCance's Apology

What I Say:  My stars, I have lived to see the day that one old straight boy slams another one for being homophobic, and in no uncertain terms. Kinda hard for your Head Trucker to get his mind around that.

But while I think Dr. Phil's observations are pretty much true, as I said yesterday, it takes time for a big, hard lesson to sink in - for you and for me, as well as for any ignorant redneck.

My religion teaches me that all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Yes, McCance did a truly wicked thing, and has had his nose rubbed into it really hard.  Now let the better angels of his nature go to work.

Give him some time to process it. That's what you and I would need, too - you know you would.

Who knows - down the road, he just might turn out to be a wonderful, outspoken advocate for gay youth.

If Fox News and the Christianists don't turn him into another Joe the Plumber with a truckload of cash first. But we'll see. Give it time.


iain said...

"My religion teaches me that all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Yes, McCance did a truly wicked thing, and has had his nose rubbed into it really hard. Now let the better angels of his nature go to work."

I find your comment remarkably depressing (but it's your blog, so who am I to wag a finger? But I'm going to anyway.) One, you are assuming he has any "better angels" - on what basis? The jerk may well be as irredeemably stupid, vicious and ignorant as he seems - and two, I am reminded of the Jews in the ghetto, and the WW2 appeasers in my old country (the UK) who thought if they were really, really nice and accomodating to the Nazis, everything would be alright. As Dan Savage said "fuck your feelings, gay kids are dying", and his comment applies here too - it's tantamount to telling the rape survivor that the rapist wants to be friends, and that forgiveness is absolutely essential to recovery from trauma and hurt. No, forgiveness is NOT essential to anything. McCance can rot in whatever hell he believes in, and maybe his 'better angels' will console him. But he is the Enemy, and I certainly don't "love them that hate me"; which is one of the reasons I'm so glad I walked away from xtianity (and indeed from any religion.) I am sorry to be a rude guest but your phrase "My religion teaches me that..." has all my alarm bells ringing. The teachability here is misplaced.

Russ Manley said...

Iain, it is indeed my blog, and I stand by every word I said. If you care to peruse the archives of my posts, you can hardly accuse me of being what you call an "appeaser." I have suffered through my own personal ghetto, I have fought the wars, and I have the scars to prove it, from more than half a century of living in a homophobic world.

However, it is a necessary part of being a civilized man, not a barbarian and not a walking, talking animal, to believe in forgiveness and redemption. Quite apart from any religious beliefs you don't like.

Because, as I intimated in this post, Iain, the logical conclusion of your line of very shallow thought is simply to KILL THE BASTARDS who say something you don't like, isn't it? I mean, if they are really pigs - not men, not human, not capable of change and repentance and improvement - why should they keep taking up space and breathing the same air you do?

Which of course, makes YOU a Nazi, and worse. If you don't like what I say here, you never have to return to this blog, but I hope you will think about the grave inhumanity of your terribly petty, terribly immature, terribly self-righteous attitude there, buddy.

Or have you never made a mistake in your whole golden life, friend? And later realized it, and wanted to be forgiven by the person you hurt?

Treat others the way you would want to be treated - that is the basic law of civilized life, in all times and in all cultures. You would do well to meditate on it.

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