C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Judge throws the book at the Library of Congress

Former Special Forces colonel Diane Schroer is probably celebrating her latest mission accomplished right now. Today a federal judge in Washington, D.C., ruled that the Library of Congress was guilty of sex discrimination for refusing to hire the eminently well qualified Schroer as a terrorism analyst in December 2004--because Diane used to be David, and was in the process of transitioning of from one sex to the other.

The ruling establishes an important precedent: according to the ACLU lawyer who represented Schroer, "The court got it exactly right, sending a loud and clear message to employers everywhere: if you fire or refused to hire someone for transitioning, you are guilty of sex discrimination and may well find yourself liable."

Now, frankly, I don't entirely get the whole trans thing; admittedly I need to do some more reading and study on this topic. I've only ever actually known one trans person, and she was a bit of a mess, mentally speaking; but of course I've been reading news stories in recent years of quite a few well-adjusted, highly accomplished guys who've made the switch, and are very, very happy about it. The movie Transamerica is a good one, btw, if you haven't seen it.

Still, why a successful male, very butch and hot-looking to boot, would want to step out of all that and become, well, a library lady is more than I can relate to at this time. Like I said, I know I need to read up on it all.

But ya know what? Might not be a decision I'd ever make for myself - like with these Texas-size 14 feet I'd ever fool anyone, ha - but it ain't hurting me a bit. And if it makes her happy, successful, and fulfilled, well I say you go, girl! More power to ya!

Freedom's not something to be hoarded for the few. The more you spread it around, the more there is for everybody. Hats off to the judge for making the right decision today.

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