I'm no kind of economist, but one thing I do know: whatever may be happening on Wall Street, don't panic.
The big stock market dip in 1987 was very scary too, but in a couple of years stock prices had risen again to where they had been; and then soared higher than anyone thought possible over the next decade.
So if you're in the 98 percent of the population who doesn't know a convertible debenture from a ragtop Caddy, don't do anything rash right now. Probably our money is pretty damn safe right where it is. Bank accounts are all insured to $100,000 per person by the government, so not to worry. Sit tight and we'll ride this out just fine, is what I think will happen if history is any guide.
A very good list of tips and advice at Yahoo News here.
I can also recommend queer financial expert Andrew Tobias's book, The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need. Lots of plain English and common sense there from a real expert.
Don't panic. Vote! It's so damn funny listening to McSame & Co. castigating "Washington" for getting us into this economic train wreck. Who the hell do they think "Washington" has been for the last 8 years, hmmm???
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
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