C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Radio Silence at the Daily Dish

Uncharacteristically, the wire has gone dead as Sullivan & Co. try to make sense of Palin's book, Going Rogue:
This is only the second time in its nearly ten-year history that the Dish has gone silent. The reason now is the same as the reason then. When dealing with a delusional fantasist like Sarah Palin, it takes time to absorb and make sense of the various competing narratives that she tells about her life. There are so many fabrications and delusions in the book, mixed in with facts, that just making sense of it - and comparing it with objective reality as we know it, and the subjective reality she has previously provided - is a bewildering task. . . .

There is a possibility here of such a huge scandal that we would be crazy not to take our time either to debunk it or move it forward for further examination.
Even without reading the book, it's always been obvious that she just makes shit up; and then can't keep her stories straight.  Sullivan has been on her case from day one, and it will be very interesting to see the results of his analysis.

Sullivan also explains the results of a survey that shows significantly fewer women than men have a favorable opinion of Palin:
Because they are not blinded by starbursts. Women always saw through Palin in ways that men didn't. That was most evident in the vice-presidential debate. Because many (straight) men found it hard to see past the boobs. Let's face it: if Palin looked like Golda Meir, there's no chance McCain would have picked her. And no one would currently give a damn. She is the Carrie Prejean of politics; and like the Ailes-tested fembots on Fox News. Women are not so dumb as to buy it. Men: well we all know what our weak spot is. We do not always think with our heads.
No shit, Sullivan.  At least not with our big heads.

Meanwhile, Baby Daddy Levi has this to say about his not-quite ex-mother-in-law's lies:
I just look at her in disgust. ... It's almost funny, that she's like, 46 years old, and she's battling a 19 year old, and I'm winning. And I'm telling the truth. She's lying and losing. ... If you look at her face, she's got -- she's really -- you can tell her mind's going 100 miles an hour when Oprah asked her those Levi questions. ... I've got a lot more knowledge and credibility than she gives me credit for.
The pics from his Playgirl photo shoot are due to be released this Saturday. I know you fellas just can't wait to see what Alaskan cod looks like . . . but Joe.My.God. says don't get your hopes up for full disclosure.  A teaser shot Joe posted:

Hmm, this just might be worth looking at after all.  Check back on Saturday for your Head Trucker's definitive opinion.

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