C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Memoriam: Veterans Day

Today it is fitting that we all take a moment to honor the memory of those who fought and those who died in the service of our country.  If you know a veteran, smile and say "thank you."  It is always right to admire the individual courage and dedication of those men and women who put themselves at the nation's call, and in harm's way.

In my mind there is a big difference between honoring those who have served, remembering with immense gratitude those who made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives; and, on the other hand, taking to task those politicians who have sometimes abused the trust granted them by the people and sometimes sent young men and women to die unnecessarily for a political purpose.  A soldier has no choice but to obey; a citizen has the duty to dissent from and expose unworthy political schemes put forward by those in power, that no soldier, seaman, or airman may die in vain.

On a personal note, this is an especial day of rememberance for me.  A grandmother and an aunt both died on this day, in different years - one of those odd coincidences.  It also happened that way on the other side of the family with a grandfather and an uncle. 

And then in a new twist of fate, my faithful little Rocky dog died two years ago today; the last living link with my late husband, Cody.  So it's a day full of memories and bittersweet recollection for me. 

But life goes on.


Ray's Cowboy said...

My heart goes out to you, Russ.

Stan said...

Same here Russ. Yeah the older we get you sort of look around and say "where did everybody go?" I took a big big hit in the 90's starting with my partner in '91 followed by Mom, Uncles, Aunts, friends, neighbors it just seem to go on and on. So much so I wound up in rehab when Cleo dog my faithful companion died. It was more than I could take and I wound up in rehab eventually.
No matter how much I oppose these damn wars I have the utmost respect for the men and women we've lost in them. I read the casualty list every now and then and tear up when I see 19 and 20 some year olds losing their lives.
I'm sorry for your losses too Russ.

David said...

I'm raising a glass (of water, I'm still at work) to the vets, to the family that's gone before us, and to your Rocky.

Russ Manley said...

Ray, David - thanks buddies.

Stan - All my family are gone too. I can relate to all that you said there. My sympathies to you man.

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