C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We Shall Overcome . . . No, We Didn't

A cool little slideshow by TerranceDC at jumpcut.com (clicking on thumbnail takes you to that site):

jumpcut movie:No, We didn't

What I say: An Open Letter to President-Elect Obama

Mr. President-elect, you inspired so many of us in the LGBT community with your vision of a renewed American dream; we believed you when you said that change has come to America, and that you will be everybody's President.

But sadly, even as we wept and rejoiced at your election, we were dealt a stunning blow. Our civil rights, our fundamental liberties, our equal standing before the law were stripped away from us in four states last week, as they have already been in 26 other states. Now, as you surely must know, demonstrations in protest of this violation of our American citizenship have been going on across the country for the last five days, and more are planned this week.

Peaceful protests are in line with our rights and traditions as a free people, but emotions are running very high, and regrettably, a few ugly scenes have already occurred. Ugly words are being exchanged between members of different faiths and races. These things are ominous for our nation's future.

The gay community and the nation as a whole look to you to give us a lead now, and exert a calming influence over passions that are quite understandably inflamed at this time. You don't have to solve all the problems right now; you don't even have to take sides. But we look to you for a word of recognition, of reassurance, of encouragement that these difficulties can and will be addressed fairly, expeditiously, with equal justice under law for all Americans.

As you make your first steps in the transition of power, you are facing many grave and pressing issues: the stability of the nation's economy, the two wars now being waged, healthcare, energy, and other weighty concerns. But are not justice, equality, and civil rights just as weighty? I am sure I am joined by millions of my LGBT brothers and sisters in calling upon you to speak now to our concerns, and show us that your promises of a renewed American dream were not empty words, and that we did not vote for you, for change, in vain.

Affirm our hopes for equality, for liberty and justice for all Americans, Mr. President-elect. In this our moment of anger and dismay, now is the time for you to speak out, to speak up, to lead us towards hope and change - all of us in this great nation. We gave you our votes; now give us the leadership we need at this crucial time.

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