C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Friday, November 7, 2008

WTF: 27% of Gay Votes Went to McCain & Palin

From a Log Cabin Republicans email quoted on conservative website Gay Patriot:
Exit polls show Sen. John McCain received at least 1.3 million votes from gay and lesbian Americans—more than any other Republican Presidential candidate has ever received. He garnered 27% of the LGBT vote, an increase from 19% support for President Bush four years ago.

Gay Patriot goes on to say, all snarky (bad cess to them):

According to the CNN exit polls, 4% of the American electorate self-identified as gay or lesbian. That means about 4.8 million gays and lesbians voted on Tuesday. That seems rather low and pathetic to me from a community that is so self-politicized. Oh well.

And so McCain got 27% of the gay vote, or 1,310,893. Up nearly 20% over 2004. I like to think there are a lot of GayPatriot readers in that bunch.

We Gay Conservatives did our part on the Stop the Obama Express! It was all of the other demographic groups that crapped out, apparently.

What I say: Your Head Trucker's jaw just hit the floor. In this particular election, when the issues were so amazingly clear, I can scarcely believe that more than one out of four queers voted for McLame and Miss Wasilla. And that twenty percent more queers voted Republican than did for Bush in '04!

What. The. Fuck. Goes. On. Here.

Something is bad, bad wrong with this picture. Recount, please.

UPDATE. It's occurred to me that exit polling on Election Day did not reflect the early voters. And haven't we just seen the biggest early voting ever in this country? So naw, these numbers are AFU. I'm not a math guy at all, but I can't believe they represent the real gay vote - or any other group's, for that matter.


Anonymous said...

What goes on it this - there are more gay Americans that have different points of view then YOU thought.

I pray that your trust in our new president is not misplaced. Time will tell. I will our new president a chance. He made a lot of promises.

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced that statistic is correct. Far as I can tell, it was based on only one set of exit polls done by CNN. But surely they aren't the only group who did exit polling, I'd like to see if other networks found the same result. Russ

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