From this week's "tea party" tax protest. You realize, of course, the only reason the sign says "Kenyan" is that she didn't think she could get away with the n-word in public?
(Pam's House Blend via Joe.My.God.)
As this picture shows, it's really not about taxes at all; it's about projecting their own ignorant, hardcore fascist beliefs onto someone they hate.
(HuffPo via Joe.My.God.)
I don't think either of those would be allowed here. They would break some incitement law.
From reading British papers, I gather that is the case. But we have a much more robust concept and tradition of free speech over here, and I think that's the better way, myself.
Let people talk and spew all they want; at the end of the day, what does it matter, if the equal protection of the laws is rigorously enforced - liberty and justice for *all.*
Apart from personal libels or shouting Fire! in a crowded theater, speech ought to be free, right or wrong. Our Founding Fathers were very firm on this point: they believed truth would crowd out lies in the marketplace of ideas. Sometimes it takes a while, but that does seem to work in the long run.
To legislate otherwise smacks of Thoughcrime, in my view. If I muzzle Johnny today, he may slap a gag on me tomorrow.
Better to let the poisons out, where they will dissipate in the sunshine and fresh air, than keep them hidden and festering.
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