C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Catching Up to Speed

Just a note to let you guys know I'm still alive and well; just been a bit overloaded lately with one thing and another. But now spring is here, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and looks like I'll be getting back up to speed with this blog before too long.

Appreciate all your good thoughts and wishes, you guys are the best.

So many good things have been happening since I last posted; got to send a shout out to Iowa and Vermont, who both legalized queer love in recent weeks. And say, how 'bout them Navy SEALS who rescued our sea captain from the pirates last week? Way to go, men.

And 'course I'm proud as punch of our President and First Lady who wowwed the crowds all over Europe; even the Queen seemed impressed, and broke protocol a tiny bit to put a motherly arm around the First Lady. And hey, that surpise visit to the troops in Baghdad was a very cool idea. So are the beginnings of reform in healthcare, education, taxation, and the economy.

Yup, the 21st century is finally off to a good start. But here's two of today's news items that show how some folks just don't get it: while Obama unveiled a grand "Vision for High Speed Rail in America" - waaaaaaaaay long overdue in this country - the dumbshit, butthead Republican Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, mentally stuck on some 19th century woodburner, is stoking the flames of secessionist talk. Which is waaaaaaaaay out of date. Can you say Appomatox? He's just pissed because him and his money-grubbing Republican friends are getting turned out to pasture, no more feeding at the public trough while they send the working class down the chute to the slaughterhouse.

Meanwhile, even more out of date are the "Tea Party" tax protests that just took place around the country. Oh man, that is like sooooo 18th-century, ya know what I mean? And WTF are they hollering about, anyway? I just filed my tax return, and come to find out my taxes went down this year about 500 bucks or so. And besides, just where the hell were all these brilliant patriots when Dubya and his economic-royalist cronies were screwing up the economy royally and running this country straight into the ground, huh?

One news article I just saw quoted a protester at one of these tea parties, carrying a sign: "Welcome to Sweden." I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, we're not even close. And like, would that really be so effin' bad, pal? Sweden's way ahead of us in lots of good things, has been for years.

Although I have to say I kinda lean more towards the French model in a lot of ways - healthcare for everyone, the most energy-independent country in Europe, a 35-hour workweek - and the President made a point of praising the French high-speed rail system in his announcement today.

One final note: this doglover thinks Bo looks like a great pick for First Dog. Gotta love the rainbow lei, too. Haha.

That's all for now, guys. I'm not ready to start daily posting again just yet, but maybe soon. Meanwhile, good vibes to all y'all. Get out and have some fun, enjoy the beautiful weather and mild temps. I'll have to get you some pics of the garden the roommate and I been working on. Later guys . . . .


David said...

Welcome back Russ! I was so pleased to see an update from you on my blogroll.

Things seem pretty good to me too. I did notice the tea protester folks. Now I know who's causing the apparent bullet shortage...

Anyway, good to hear from you, I'm looking forward to garden pics!

Doorman-Priest said...

Welcome back.

BTW: I really like Sweden. Can't see what the problem is.

dave said...

Welcome back, Russ.

Russ Manley said...

David, DP, Dave - thanks fellas, good to be back. When the rainy weather passes here I'll work on some garden pics.

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