C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Drive: Bridge Over Troubled Water

I cannot believe how ooooold these guys look.  But then, I can't believe how old I look, either.

Jeezus, where does the time go?  Life is so short, and youth is so fleeting.

Enjoy your time while it lasts, fellas.


Stan said...

"Bridge Over Troubled Water" is the title song of Simon & Garfunkel's final album together, released January 26, 1970. I had graduated HS the summer before and was thinking how in the hell was I going to deal with getting drafted and being sent to Viet Nam where my older brother already was. Luck would give me a high lottery number 256 I think and a college deferment took care of that.
I was sort of peeking out of the closet by then with my little trips over the river to NYC to "explore things." Just a mere pup at the time.
Jeezus I can't believe it's been that long ago! But I'm still here where a lot of my friends are not anymore unfortunately.

Gary said...

Nice memory, Russ. Thanks. I've been thinking about posting a "Then and Now" thing on my blog - pics of me back in the '60's & '70's vs now, but I need to work on my bravery! Maybe soon.

Yeah, Stan, I remember when that album came out. I bought the 8-track tape of it so I could play it in my car. I had just graduated from college that spring. I had a high lottery number too...and they weren't drafting students, that is, unless they flunked out, changed majors, or did something else to draw the draft board's attention to them. Wowzer! 40 years ago.

That fall, I moved to Alaska where I had landed a job. It would be another ten years before I found my way out of the cloud of drugs I had put myself in and out of the closet, as well.

No use crying over spilled youth, I guess! Wouldn't want to go back, anyway, unless I could know what I know now. Wisdom + a new bod wouldn't be so bad!

How time flies when you're having "times" huh!

Russ Manley said...

Thanks for sharing, guys. I thought this song would bring back some memories . . . . seems like just yesterday or the day before, it was a "new" song to me.

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