C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Motion and Intertia

In an interview on NBC, General Petraeus said he has served in combat with gay and lesbian fellow soldiers.  He also said "I'm not sure" that today's troops give a fuck about their comrades' sexuality.

Interesting comments.  We'll see how all that goes down when he and other top commanders testify before Congress.  Just don't expect this to be a short process:  the military is totally anal retentive methodical about everything it does, from ordering paper clips to building battleships.

But at least the process has started - finally.  And about damn time.

I didn't blog this last week, but guess you guys know that Lt. Dan Choi was called back to duty with his National Guard outfit; an unexpected and highly indicative turn of events, I think.

Now if only we could get some motion going on healthcare reform.  Why, with a Democrat majority in both houses of Congress, and a Democrat president, nothing - just nothing - can be accomplished on that is beyond my ability to comprehend.

You know if it were a Republican idea, and they had the majorities, you'd already have your Medicare ID card in your hand by now, don't you guys?


Stan said...

The party of "NO" only says "YES" when it serves them and their corporate buddies own be$t interest.
I think the Marine Corps (no surprise there) is the only branch of the armed forces that is NOT on board with repealing DADT despite polls of the Marines to the contrary. It's only the top brass that's resisting change. But the time will come eventually when the old farts die off.

Russ Manley said...

Yup. All I have to add is that I've always had a firm admiration for the USMC. And every Marine I've known has been a perfect gentleman.

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