C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gays in the Conservative Movement: The Debate

The full debate at the Cato Institute on gay conservatism is now available on Sullivan's blog.  Can't find a way to embed it here, but it's well worth watching.  And Maggie Gallagher's cavalier answer to the gay man from the audience - married to a man, raising a daughter - will make your blood boil.  She sure raised Sullivan's temperature in a hurry.

The debate occurred on Ash Wednesday, and Sullivan obviously must have gone to Mass before the debate, and is still wearing ashes.  Not something I think I would have done; but I do understand the symbolism, especially when confronting the likes of Gallagher, another Catholic.

Also worth noting:  Gallagher claims in her speech that "openly gay" people work for her NOM outfit, which is fighting hard in every state they can to prevent or overturn equal marriage laws.  Yeah, that's right:  openly gay people working to strip other gay people of their civil rights, so the lady said.  She coyly refused to identify them, of course.

Hmm.  I suppose it's possible there were some few Jews who voted for Hitler too.

And then of course, there are people like this:

It's not a joke.  His website is here.


dave said...

Edgerton is a sick man.

I know such conservative gay men as Gallagher references (though I wonder how many she really knows) - they're sick too.

Russ Manley said...

Quislings is the word that comes to my mind.

Stan said...

there were gays that had a booth at last weeks CPAC convention too. They're called GOPROUD I think. I don't get their way of thinking at all.

Anonymous said...

Sullivan is not a Catholic any more. He openly announced he was attending Episcopalian churches (they observe Ash Wednesday too). That is a good fit for him. It is a dying church thanks to its capitulation to the gay and other lefty agendas. Maggie Gallagher may indeed know and work with gays who are open to her but that doesn't mean they want to be open to the wider world, especially the intolerant gay radicals who can make life hell for them as they have for anyone who dares to oppose the agenda. Look to the persecution of people in CA who dared to support Prop 8 and lost their jobs thanks to the radicals. Believe it or not but their are many homosexuals in this country who do not buy into the gay agenda. A few years ago the self appointed gay "leaders" said all they wanted was tolerance. Now, it has to be total acceptance and approval or else. Look to D.C. and MA for examples.

Russ Manley said...

I read Sullivan's blog nearly every day, and I know he identifies strongly with being Catholic; if he's attending an Episcopal church, I must have missed that announcement.

As far as the rest of your comments - you don't seem to be gay yourself. In which case, I doubt there's much in this blog that will interest you, so just move along please and find one that does.

dave said...

The only "gay agenda" I'm aware of is to treat everyone as equally human. Hard to believe any decent thinking human being wouldn't support that. But then, many people are willfully unthinking.

Russ Manley said...

Well said, Dave. I second the motion.

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