C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Thirty Million Votes Are In

Today's election forecast (not based on early voting) from ABC/538
shows a probability of 53-47 in Trump's favor.
Click to enlarge.

Today's election news is up and down and criss-cross, like the lines on the chart above.

1.  Thirty million Americans have cast early votes in the presidential election.  But it seems more have voted red than blue at this time.  Republican pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz explains why Kamala isn't reaching the "persuadable voters," and what she should do about that:


[What I Say:  Though I'm wary of Luntz's recommendations, given his longtime support for Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, and George W. Bush, your Head Trucker has noticed since the first debate that Kamala has no particular agenda to sell.  It's pleasing to the base to hear her call Trump a fascist over and over, but does that win any voters who aren't already Kamala supporters?  

And her speeches around the country, what snips and bits I've heard of them, are mainly a rehash of the same rich-aunt talking points from the first debate:  she wants to help out with the grocery bills, give diaper money to new parents, and hand a big wad of cash to first-time homebuyers (which nobody ever offered me).  Along with nifty catchphrases like "Turn the Page" and "Not Going Back," that's about all I've heard of what she actually plans to DO if elected. She's been way over-cautious about telling us plainly and simply what that is, in my view.

I understand why she can't be the "change" candidate without disparaging Biden.  But that's not cutting it.  Voters need something to vote FOR, not just against.  Think Hillary, or better yet, think Margaret Thatcher.  And Thatcher still has legions of adoring male fans to this day.  Extraordinary women, clear -- sharp -- determined.  But of course, Kamala has to be herself, not a copy of someone else.]

2.  UK newspaper The Guardian, traditional supporter of the Labour Party, sent a reporter to J.D. Vance's hometown in Ohio to find out why Kamala has low support from male voters there:


3.  Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican who broke with Trump after being fired from the White House, explains what Kamala needs to do now to "close the deal" and win the election:


4.  Contrary to all the above, political analysts on the Democratic side see hopeful signs in this week's early voting pattern, despite a flood of Republican-biased polls favoring Trump:


Well, steady on, boys.  We have to stay the course till the end, if what we believe in is worth fighting for.  No doubt there will be weeks of uncertainty and bickering and lies and maybe violence before we know the outcome of this election for sure.  But hang in there.  Don't give up the ship!  We may find safe harbor yet.


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