C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday Drive: Only in America

Nine days from the election in an evenly-divided nation, I offer my vision of the land I love:

We all get a chance,

Everybody gets to dance . . . 

Is that too much to ask?

Recommended read:  Everything is Awesome (Again!) by Michael Grunwald at Politico.  Excerpt:

The public may be grumpy, and politicians may be pitching doom and gloom, but it’s once again time for some great news: America is kicking ass! We are, as The Economist proclaimed on its cover this week, “The Envy of the World.”

The stock market just hit another all-time high. The uninsured rate is near an all-time low. Apartment construction hasn’t been this hot in half a century. Crime, inflation and illegal immigration are falling. Economic growth, job growth and wage growth are strong. The U.S. is no longer at war in Iraq, Afghanistan or, at least officially, anywhere else and its carbon emissions are declining, because its clean energy production is soaring. It’s still the richest and greatest nation on Earth, the land of opportunity that spawned the artificial intelligence boom, ultimate fighting, SpaceX and the Hawk Tuah multimedia empire. And our short national nightmare is over, because after 11 months without adorable cuddle-monsters, the National Zoo just took custody of two giant pandas. . . .

And yet, we haven't heard any of this from the Democratic candidates.  Why?


1 comment:

Frank said...

That is a rosy picture, but so many are still angry and I'm not entirely sure why. Is it those awful transgender persons crowding the restrooms? Is it the price of bacon and eggs at the grocery? Is it because their Super sized Macho Truck has a thick payment book? Is it because pronouns have changed? Is it because immigrants are doing jobs that no one else wants to do? Is it because their shoes are too tight? Is it because they believe everything they see and hear on Fox and Facebook? I give up. No clue.

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