C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

James Carville: Pay Attention, Please!

Electoral vote forecast, 10/13/24, from 538/ABC News.
Click to enlarge.

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville, who was Bill Clinton's campaign manager, sounds the alarm on Trump's fascist plans for America - including using the military to round up his political enemies.

Trump declined to be interviewed on 60 Minutes last week, and has told friendly interviewers that he does intend to carry out his threats, as Morning Joe reports:


This report by Medhi Hassan a year ago is still a chilling forecast of the evils to come if Trump wins re-election: 


All these reporters and commentors tell us to believe that Trump will do just what he says he will do. It is worth noting that Hitler also spelled out everything he would do in his screed Mein Kampf, published in 1925, eight years before he came to power in Germany. Perhaps a lot of Germans who read it then just laughed it off. 

But it's no laughing matter. Be afraid, be very afraid.




Frank said...

Unfortunately none of this is getting through to the MAGAts. And Trump is the only hope for republican leadership to stay in or gain more power. Too many Americans see things only in the simple terms of Trumps 4th grade talking points. Nothing seems to be moving the needle. Yes, be afraid, but that will not protect us.

Russ Manley said...

No, the needles isn't moving. It's that pesky 5 or 10 percent "undecided" that everything hinges on. Everyone else made up their minds months or years ago. But we must hope for the best and turn out the Democratic vote like it's our last chance - and it might well be if the fascists win.

Early voting starts next week and I can't wait to cast my ballot. Do you know there's a fighting chance we might unseat Ted Cruz? Yeah - keep your fingers crossed.

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