All that can be said has been said many, many times in the last 20 years and more. And still the red tide flows on, higher and higher.
Nothing will change here in Texas while the fanatical idiots who control the state government absolutely refuse to lift one finger to make a difference. You'd think the point-blank massacre of a whole classroom of little kids in Uvalde last year - with nearly 400 police officers on the scene, inexplicably doing nothing to stop the killing - would have softened even the stoniest of hearts.
But no. Nothing moves those stinking jackasses in power, and the voters who keep them there, except fanatical hatred and self-righteousness. Oh sure, they say they are working on "long-term solutions" - but don't believe a word of it. They will do nothing. They don't care who dies or how many.
The same could be said about the powers that be in many other states, and in Congress. Until the balance of power shifts away from the fanatical religionists, nothing will change.
But I blame the other end of the political spectrum, too. For fifty years or more, some people on the leftward side have encouraged a culture of unlimited "free speech" and "do your own thing" that has allowed the glorification of violence and narcissism. Step by step and bit by bit, our whole culture has become saturated with images and voices of violence and horror - brutalizing the mind and deadening the conscience of young and old alike - to say nothing of the effect on the mentally deficient. But now good "enlightened" folk are aghast and bewildered at the state of the nation.
Why are you surprised, I would ask them. Monkey see, monkey do. Humans are imitative animals.
Last Christmas, M.P.'s four adult children, their spouses, and four kiddos came for dinner, the one day a year that they all pile into "Papaw's" little bungalow. And for a few hours, I was quietly reassured to see that despite modern clothing and slang and toys, these nice young people and their kids were behaving just as parents and kids did fifty and sixty years ago at Christmas time, with glee and wonder and even good manners. There are still good people in the world, and the ceremonies of innocence continue still.
But it seems to me that the country, and the whole Western world in fact, is simply falling apart like a rotten melon, and both sides are to blame. The center cannot hold. Extremism on the right or on the left is equally toxic. Liberty is not license; and democracy is not anarchy.
I don't care to argue the point with anyone, that's just how I see it, and from my vantage point a little apart from the crowd, I have been watching it happen all my adult life. I know what I know.
It is a sick society that acquiesces in the slaughter of innocents. Extremely sad. But what can you do when are there no tears left to cry?
While I agree with the fact that we as a nation have a definite problem with guns, assault weapons, violence, and so many other despicable trends, I'm not sure that "both sides are to blame". I'm not sure what you mean by: "For fifty years or more, some people on the leftward side have encouraged a culture of unlimited "free speech" and "do your own thing" that has allowed the glorification of violence and narcissism."
It seems to me that trend of unlimited or unbridled (and hateful) speech, often to the point of inciting violence, is espoused primarily by those on the right (exemplified by the former president and narcissist-in-chief, MTG,Boebart, Jim Jordan, and numerous republican state legislators). Those on the left have been vocal, but usually echoing the facts, advocating for the right for all to live with dignity. rather than trying to deny others their right to live as they wish. While many of us former hippies and activists have protested peacefully and followed a "do your own thing" mantra, it has been with the caveat that it harms no one else. That is not to say we may have made others "uncomfortable" with our social agenda or with our civil disobedience. Perhaps I am a Pollyanna in my point of view, but I just don't see the "both sides are to blame".
In this particular topic, advocating for sensible gun control seems to be the antithesis of what the republican, MAGA, NRA crowd wants: uncontrolled concealed, gun/assault weapon ownership with no permits, training, license, liability or background checks: basically a recipe for continued massacres nationwide. No need to debate, it's just how I see it.
Now Frank, don’t get your feathers ruffled. I wasn’t attacking you, good friend. Nor did I even use the word “hippies.” I deliberately used vague phrasing to indicate a trend that in fact began long before the hippie era and has continued down till today.
I know that era was a landmark in your life, part of your identity. Fine. As I’ve mentioned before, I went in the opposite direction – so I saw the parade from the sidewalk instead of being part of it. Naturally our views will differ to some extent. No biggie.
But there is no need for us to spoil a beautiful spring day bickering over things that don’t matter now, except from an historical perspective. It may be that we are both right, but looking at different ends of the same elephant.
Smile. ☮
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