C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rick Warren Loves the Gays

Rev. Warren delivers a barrelful

. . . in fact, he just loves everybody. So he says. He believes everybody in the United States should have equal rights, not a problem for him.

He just has this one little tiny objection to gays using the word marriage for their "adult consenting relationships." That's all.

Because of course, marriage has been between one woman and one man always and everywhere for the last 5,000 years. He doesn't approve, for example, of a man having several wives and calling that a marriage.

And all the heat he's been taking lately? Oh that's coming from two sources: the media love a controversy, it sells. And then there's all those damn bloggers - I guess he means like your Head Trucker here - sitting home with nothing better to do than make shit up.

It's all just a great big misunderstanding. He LOVES the gays. Really. Swear to God.

Melissa Etheridge is cool with him now. So is Andrew Sullivan.

So why the hell aren't you, hmm?

I have an answer to that last question and lots more I could say, but I've got some last-minute presents to wrap and chores to do here. Meantime, why don't you check out for yourself the Boston Globe's report, and the Beliefnet article and Warren's own clarifications on the Beliefnet interview before you answer.

And here's part one of three new video segments from his church website on the gay thing and all that:

Oh by the way, that bit about the "no gay members" on his church website? It wasn't removed, really it wasn't. It's just being "repurposed." Whatever the hell that means.

Fellas, take it from a Texan: when you smell bullshit, you sure better watch where you step.


Anonymous said...

FYI, the other two videos were taken off the website... They're probably being repurposed too.

Russ Manley said...

ROFL . . . thanks for the tip. I hadn't made it over there to see the others, wonder what they said?

BTW, interesting that his "News and Views" header is in rainbow colors, isn't it? oh the irony . . .

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