C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

David Archuleta: All Grown Up and Out

Only recently has it come to your Head Trucker's attention that angel-voiced David Archuleta, age 32, came out sometime last year.  (Why was I not informed?)  Welcome, David.  We all knew it would happen one day, even if you didn't.  

And not only is David out, he's also a MAN now, and no longer a cherub-faced boy.  Not my type exactly, but . . . I wouldn't kick him out of bed, either.  I'm sure he's breaking all the hearts in his new hometown of Nashville.

In case you, like me, are out of the loop, here's an interview he did a couple months ago with fellow singer Jennifer Hudson, speaking very movingly about his coming-out experience - which of course is very similar to what all of us went through who grew up in ultra-conservative churches.


And here's his exuberant new single, "Faith in Me":


Good luck, David.  I hope you find that blessed marriage you seek.  Just take your time, enjoy your youth and freedom -- don't rush it.



Frank said...

Oh my. Am I old. I am glad young LGBT kids have role models like David. He seems intelligent and articulate and another triumph over repressive religious upbringing. Hope he continues to learn and grow into himself.

Russ Manley said...

Yes, intelligent, articulate, and free at last. Seems to have his head on straight (not a pun). Of course, he will make mistakes, and likely get his heart broke at least once - but so do we all, right?

And yes, its wonderful that young gays have some positive role models now. You and I remember that dark hole we lived in once, thinking nobody else in the whole world felt like we did. The guilt, the shame, the fear of being found out -- to hell with all that!

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