C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love

Your Head Trucker is out of the loop, so he just now discovered that two Texas guys. Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell, have recently published a high-quality book containing hundreds of old photographs of male couples from the 1850s to the 1950s.  Sweet.  Signed copies of the book, as well as selected prints, can be purchased on their website here.

Some of the photos have circulated on the internet for many years, but others are new discoveries.  I understand that all the photos were scanned in ultra-high resolution prior to publication.  Not all of these couples were necessarily gay - though some very obviously were - but on the whole, it's a delightful record of a century of male couples in loving poses.

First, here's how Hugh and Neal met:

And here's how they started their collection:


And this is a video sampler of some of the 3000-plus photographs in the collection:


Apparently, a documentary film is in the works, but I can't find it on YouTube yet.



Frank said...

Thanks for sharing that Russ. It seems very timely given the fact that there are many at this moment in time who are clamoring to take away our hard-won rights and would dissolve our marriages and criminalize our love once again. This collection documents the "love that dare not speak it's name" a a universal and timeless reality. I may share on my blog sometime soon.

Russ Manley said...

You're welcome. Of course, all this is old news to us; but perhaps the reality of gay couples before Stonewall will reach some folks who haven't known it before now.

And yes, the raving rightwingers seem to have the bit between their teeth now, and are all set to trample down the progress of the last fifty years. And who will stand up to them? The current Democratic party seems to be a collection of squeaky toys and paper dolls. Where are the stalwart champions and defenders of human rights?

It's a very scary time.

Unknown said...

Thank so much for the wonderful review of our book "LOVING" and for sharing our message of love with your readers and friends! May your world be loving! Neal & Hugh

Russ Manley said...

It's my pleasure. Looks like you all did a fabulous job on this book, and I can hardly wait to get my copy. Hope your priceless collection will go to a museum or library one day, to be preserved for the ages.

Great job, fellas!

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