C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

In Memoriam: The Innocents of Uvalde

I have no words for this unspeakable horror, only tears. And rage at the unspeakable politicians who allow these massacres to go on and on, and do nothing about it.

FYI:  Contrary to what President Biden and Senator Chris Murphy have said today, these mass shootings do not happen "only in America."  They have been happening all over the world in the last quarter-century, even in totalitarian states like Russia.  But other countries have done something about it.  Here are a couple of Wikipedia articles for further reading and reflection:

Update:  See hotheaded Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke get in the face of bobbleheaded Governor Greg Abbott:


And watch the running sore known as Senator Ted Cruz flee from questioning by a British newsman:



Frank said...

We were eating dinner when the evening news came on. I had to turn off the TV. Sad beyond words, sick and angry with the gun culture in America, the NRA, and the republican's phony reasoning about the 2nd Amendment. Photos (Christmas cards!) of politician's families, including children, posing with guns and assault weapons disgust me. This from NY Times morning brief: "If American gun violence is no longer surprising, it still is shocking. On an average day in the U.S., more than 35 people are murdered with a gun. No other affluent country in the world has a gun homicide rate nearly as high. Consider this chart, by my colleague Ashley Wu:" (I cannot copy/paste the chart here) but the US is clearly the outlier and the chart is for 2019...it has increased since then. Our Congresspersons have blood on their hands. Enough!

Russ Manley said...

Yes, and way more than enough. This is not civilization, it is madness, utter madness, to allow mass murder to go on every damn day of the year and not do anything about it.

Gun control is not the magic answer to all this, which has complex roots - but it would certainly be a damn good start. Australia, NZ, the UK, and other countries have, after just one such massacre, enacted gun controls that have effectively stopped such mass murders (though not individual murders, of course).

I don't know how the lying, conniving Republican sons of bitches in Congress can sit on their hands and do nothing about it - when their own children and families are at as much risk as anyone else of being murdered at school, at church, in a grocery store, hospital, nursing home, and every other place that used to be safe. Bastards!

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