Temperatures in Texas at 7 p.m. today:
Temps are forecast to be 108 tomorrow and 109 on Wednesday, then cooling off to 104 by Friday. And nighttime temps won't go below 80 any night this week.
No Crystal Ball...but...
4 hours ago
A gay man's view of the world from down Texas way
C I V I L M A R R I A G E I S A C I V I L R I G H T.A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.
I'm sorry to hear about your heat Russ, that's no fun at all. Shall I send you some of our 66F high in return for a very small slice of your 108F?
How about we just split the difference for a balmy 87?
Please consider a Northern vacation one summer - while it can get hot here it's nothing like what you're experiencing. Be glad to show you around.
Thanks, Frank, I will keep your kind offer in mind.
You get no sympathy here, Russ. Kansas City MO hit 104 yesterday, with humidity at 95%. When I went grocery shopping at 11:pm last night it was still 94 degrees and the humidity stayed where it was. This aint good for an old fart who's already had 4 heat strokes. Frankly I'd rather be back home in Nawlins, except there are no jobs and the political slimate.... um, I mean "climate" is worse than here in Misery. It's days like this that make me miss my childhood in the Boundary Waters Area - too hot? There's the lake - jump in!
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