C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Enjoy Your Life

If you don't, just what is the point?  The Awl, via Andrew Sullivan:
Everything that doesn't taste like crap is full of stuff that is in some way or another bad for you. You are going to die no matter what. Eat whatever you want. The oft-repeated Keynesian maxim that "in the long run we are all dead" is well and good, but it ignores the fact that for a long time we are all alive. For, like, AGES. Think about how long today has been, and it's not even five yet!

Yes, life is a beautiful valuable thing and there are so many joys along the way and etc., but let's admit that 90% of it is suffering, misery, pain, standing in line behind some idiot who can't figure out how that he doesn't have enough money in his balance to withdraw the amount of cash he keeps asking for from the ATM, heartbreak, defeat and "Seinfeld" reruns.

A couple of eggs, or a McRib, or excellent Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey sipped outdoors on a crisp day while you smoke a cigarette: if these things are going to shave a few years off the time you would otherwise spend drumming your fingers on the counter as you wait for the laggard at the Duane Reade to ring up your single-item purchase, so be it.


JC said...

Duane Reade - haha. I didn't konw we had those in Texas... I've only seen them in NYC!

Staircase Witch said...

I'll agree with everything he said...even the cigarette, though I don't smoke...but the McRib? Really?

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