Happened to come across this amazing clip from the 1936 Australian film (they made movies in Australia? who knew), Rangle River. And it's w-a-y g-a-y for the thirties, y'all. Check it out:
Victor Jory (at right), btw, played overseer Jonas Wilkerson in Gone With the Wind - you remember, the guy who after the war came rolling up to the front door of Tara with that white-trash Emmie Slattery, wanting to buy the place. And Scarlett threw a clod of Georgia red clay in his face.
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
Well that told her!, no place for a girlie on a lads day out!
How awkward it must have been back then to be gay and have someone like Miss Hastings throwing herself on you. I hope Reggie and Dick had a good time riding out there together.
Love the old flicks. Thanks for this find.
Poor Miss Hastings, I think I can see her fate: always a fag hag, never a bride.
Glad you liked, Stan.
"Who knew?" --- Bitch... Quite a thriving film industry Down Under, Buddy!
That's a great clip! Thanks.
Glad you liked. But I honestly had never heard of any Australian-made films from before WWII until now. Or any of the Dominions, come to think of it - didn't get much press here, and probably Hollywood found a way to keep them out of U.S. theaters.
Times are very different now, of course.
Yeah, I was of course, kidding, but though this is a very great country - we can be very provincial here. I expect you're right, Hollywood probably had a way of keeping such films away from the American public.
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