All right, as much as I hate to admit being so damn sentimental, this picture made your Head Trucker lose it. But they were tears of joy - the unthinkable has become the reality, as hard as it is to believe my own eyes. Catch the story at Joe.My.God.
And I have lived to see this day, Lord have mercy.
Update: Channel 2 news in Hawaii has this short interview with the couple. Apparently, Marine officials are not only okay with the photo, but are actually quite pleased at the publicity it has gotten the Corps. Way to go, Marines!
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
Go Marines!
Saw it also this morning. Could you imagine less than a year ago, this wouldn't have been possible!
Sweet, sexy and flaunting it! Yeah!
Semper Fi, brothers.
Caught this yesterday and it - made - my - day.
A wonderful day, indeed. The picture and story have now gone 'round the world, as a Google search shows
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