How lucky I was to be born just in time to have wonderful memories of riding some of the great streamliners, just like young Bobby in this 1954 film. All you guys who came along after I did, you really don't know what you missed out on - it's the only way to travel. Amtrak tries, bless their hearts; but it's just not the same. More like riding a big bus than a train, for several reasons.
There was a sensation and an atmosphere to riding on a streamliner that would be hard to describe. For one thing, believe it or not - people actually dressed up in those days to travel: coat and tie for the men, dresses and high heels for the women. (Somewhere in the back of my mind, I still feel guilty for not wearing my Sunday suit when I get on a plane - sorry, Mom.)
For another thing, it was very comfortable: air conditioning in a time when few people had that at home or school, cushy chairs in the coaches with 3 feet of leg room in front of you, white damask and real silver on the tables in the dining car; getting there was half the fun. So it was a special event, and a special feeling, hard to put into words. You just had to be there. But if you were, it was a delight.
Railroad history is one of my hobbies I haven't had a chance to post much about on this blog up till now, but I'll make a point of doing more with that in future. Meantime, sit back and enjoy the trip here, doing 80 per in safety and comfort through the American landscape.
One of the highlights of my travel life was taking Canadian Rails from Montreal to Vancouver in 1972. Plus various train trips in the UK and Europe.
One advantage of trains for a long trip is the social aspect. On a plane or bus you're stuck with the same seatmate(s), so you put up your guard and don't interact at all, whereas on the train if you're in the lounge or dining car (do they still have those?), if you find you've struck up a conversation with a person that is TOO weird you can always excuse yourself "I've got to go find my library book, I can't THINK where I left it" and the train is big enough to get away. Whereas a plane or bus is like just one big room.
But if you strike up a conversation with someone who is quite interesting, it can add so much to the travel experience (and to your life).
Choo, choo, choo!
I fully understand. I did amtrack. I also still get dressed up with slacks and a nice dress shirt when I go on a plane. Your time is when everyone dressed up to make a good appearance, not like today with allot of short or torn jeans. I do not mind torn jeans at some of the bars, but I think people should look their best even at the store. but hey what do I know. My three tux-es are going to waist, since I really do not use them any more.
Ps whois this Uncle Ray. I have thought of myself a Sir Ray or Daddy ray for some , but never Uncle Ray
I would like to take one of those luxury train excursions they offer through the midwest or canada. My dream is the Orient Express! I tend to over dress where ever I go it seems. I just like to look my best. It makes me feel good, and to me dress clothes are just more comfortable!
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