I'm thinking, why the hell not have a rally at the Capitol that day, or the day before, which is a Sunday? Why not generate some enthusiasm and publicity for LGBT rights that way? But they didn't ask for my advice.
You can also sign the petition at their website to eliminate bullying in Texas schools. According to Equality Texas:
Over one-third (36%) of Texas youth reported bullying, name calling and harassment to be somewhat or very serious problems, and less than half (42%) reported feeling very safe at school (GLSEN, 2005).
Four out of ten Texas youth reported feeling unsafe at school because of a personal characteristic, such as physical appearance, race/ethnicity, or sexual orientation (GLSEN, 2005).
Even though only a small number (7%) of respondents identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT), bullying, name calling and harassment because of the way in which students expressed their gender or because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation were common in Texas schools (GLSEN, 2005).
Gay and lesbian youth are two to three times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual youth: 30% of completed youth suicides are committed by lesbian and gay youth annually, and suicide is their leading cause of death (US Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1989).
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