Here's an excerpt from her December 12 post, "Who is my neighbor?" She was sitting in church one Sunday, listening to a sermon for the thousandth time on the parable of the Good Samaritan and not expecting to get anything new out of it, when the young preacher suddenly asked . . .
Who among us have been left, by the church, half-dead? Who among our neighbors are the ones we reach out to? The ones who have been left, by us Christians, bleeding, and uncared for?
And it all hit me. Among so many, I see the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender people, left outside the churches. They are outcast by US, the people who call themselves by the name of Jesus. And I knew - I want to be the good neighbor, the good Samaritan.
It takes us all to be Jesus to the hurting, and I want to be, at the least that one person. I don't care if it is only one at a time. I don't care if others think I'm a fag-hag or crazy or whatever. I want people to know that I care and that I'm just like them - loved by Jesus.
It has not been easy to accept what has happened to me. Many times I've been angry at God for the loss of my marriage (and so much more). Often I don't want to go to church, don't know the absolutes of my upbringing and don't feel confident in my faith. But I felt God's healing THAT day when we closed with, "How marvelous, how wonderful is my saviours' love for me..." I felt that I've been loved enough to come through this journey, to be shown things I'd never have considered if not for the difficult road, where I was bleeding and half-dead. I felt that somehow there was a purpose and maybe I can make an impact on someone else that hurts and feels like they are left on the side of the road, forgotten by most everyone.
I have to admit. I did loose apart o fmy family s well,do to me being gay. the so called Christians. My parents excepted me one of my sibling did as well, the other, the holy of holy, did not. She does not know what she lost out because of her and her husband.
I did enjoy the reading thugh.
Yeah the so called Christians, I know exactly what you mean buddy, and TX is freakin full of them. Sorry about your sister, but who knows maybe one day they will see the light too. At least you have the love of the rest of your family, so that's great.
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