The current Prime Minister, Conservative party leader Stephen Harper - who tried to undo gay marriage up there in 2006 - has stepped on his opponents' toes big time. They are now out for blood and determined to form a coalition to take over the reins of power. Harper is just as determined not to let them do so.
Canadian newscasts, editorials, and blogs are full of invective from both sides of the issue, with people yelling about Harper being a fascist dictator and the other side screaming about the undemocratic power grab by socialists. Sound familiar?
Hell. Those people just don't know what the "fascist" vs. "socialist" war is all about, do they?
As veteran correspondent Neil Macdonald observes in this witty explanation of the crisis - written especially for Americans - their Conservatives are sort of equivalent to our Democrats. Sort of.
And their socialist party (yes, a real one!), the New Democrats, are rather like, well, um - would you believe George W. Bush? Sort of. Just go read the article.
The left-leaning parties were all poised to shoot Harper down next week like a wolf from an airplane, and thought victory was in the bag. But the Governor-General has just granted Harper's request to prorogue Parliament (don't ask) until Jan. 26, so he's safe till then, and perhaps in the meantime everybody will have a few Molsons, watch some hockey, sing Christmas carols, and settle down.
Or maybe they'll just keep duking it out and letting the fur fly till Parliament resumes and votes one way or another. I'm just glad we don't have to go through all that for another four years, aren't you?
Unless, of course, our Supreme Court rules that Obama can't be president.
Canada's little political spat would be nothing in comparison to what would happen here, eh?
yea,russ, i'm in canada from time to time. i follow whats going on there. i think the ndp and the bloc quebecois will take over from harper eventually. thats a good thing...
From far away, all the parties sound like bickering kids right now. Probably good that the GG gave them all a time-out . . . she is a smart lady.
I don't like Harper one bit, he tried to overturn our marriage rights. He would be a rightwing fundie republican down here. . . . he and Palin would probly be best friends.
exactly right about harper. he and palin would be best buds! jack layton of the ndp seems like a nice guy. maybe obama's victory here is affecting canada...
a good source for canadian news is,globe and mail.com the toronto newspaper.
Yeah Layton seems very smart. Sexy too. lol
I pulled up some CTV news videos, Ignatieff with the Grits sounded very sensible, what do you think about him?
Dion and Harper have both got to go, they have fumbled the ball bad.
jack layton is good looking and well spoken.and good looking,oh,i said that!ignatieff is all right.
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