What do you think, Truckers? Is it time to shut up about Warren? Or should we keep up the criticism?The uproar over Warren has the detriment of confirming one of the worst stereotypes of homosexuals: hysteria. That's because Warren is the lowest common denominator of the socially conservative evangelicals. Up until the Proposition 8 fight, his political involvement extended to such hot-button, "culture war" issues as fighting African AIDS and poverty. Aside from the incest/bestiality slip (which was an effort, however clumsily executed, to make a slippery slope argument rather than a serious attempt at morally equating daughter/dog love to homosexuality) Warren has never really used his high public profile or pulpit to preach hatred of gay people, something that can hardly be said of the long list of Elmer Gantryesque charlatans the GOP has surrounded itself with over the past 30 years.
Asked what was a "greater threat to the American family - divorce or gay marriage," Warren answered, "That's a no brainer. Divorce. There's no doubt about it," which makes him far more honest than most politically involved conservative evangelical preachers. Count me as being a member of the pragmatist gay camp (not to be confused with theater, dance or other camps), encapsulated by my friend Chris Crain, who writes, "It is a stroke of political brilliance to recruit a conservative megapastor in support of a president-elect who is arguably the most pro-gay, pro-choice and progressive in our history." . . .
[G]ays would do well to store their gunpowder for the truly significant legislative battles that will no doubt be fought in the years ahead. Getting rid of the odious and national security-weakening "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" regulation, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and Matthew Shepard hate crimes law will all be possible over the next four years now that we have a Democratic president and Congress committed - at least on paper - to effecting these positive changes. If gays had given Obama some much-needed slack on Rick Warren, perhaps he'd feel a political debt to us when these truly significant issues come up for debate.But how sincere - or politically threatening - will gay complaints about administration foot-dragging on issues that actually affect millions of gay and lesbian people sound in light of the unwarranted outrage that's been generated over the guy who's going to deliver a two-minute reading that no one will remember? Attacking the President-Elect who campaigned as the most pro-gay candidate in American history over an issue as irrelevant as this one, I fear, makes us look like we're crying wolf. And we all know how that fable ended.
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
I'm getting more offended by the people telling me to STFU now, for whatever odd reason. Sorry, it ain't hysteria to get pissed off over Warren.
If it alright with you I am adding you to my blog. If there is a problem let me know.
Also May I ask where is the small town in Texas. Plano, Texas here.
rick warren has got to go! and off topic,but dr. phil is getting divorced...
Rptrcub - if Warren believed blacks were black because they were under the Curse of Ham (google it up) like the preachers of my boyhood loved to say, and therefore only fit to be servants to white people, you betcha that invite would have been pulled already. or never made at all. But I'm thinking, it's getting us a lot of good press coverage in a roundabout way; people are realizing what the religious 'tudes really are, and why that can't go on any more.
Larry - Hadn't heard about Dr. phil, but I'm not surprised. He'll turn up with a new trophy wife soon enough though.
Ray - No problem man, love the cowboy pics on your blog big time. I'm closer to the Metroplex than any other big city but don't go there if I don't have to . . . can't stand the traffic anymore.
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