There are some who would say these pictures represent an intrinsic moral disorder, a great and abominable evil in the world.
Oh really? Look and judge for yourself.

Today's text is from the book of Isaiah, chapter 5, verse 20:
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.
Let popes and preachers rant, wave their Bibles and spout their creeds.
What does all that foolishness matter, and how shall it weigh in the balances against a life lived together in love?
Beautiful pictures and a beautiful song. Your words here hit hard. When will they ever understand?
Some people never will, Mark.
gone from this world but they live on in our hearts forever and ever.
btw...we both were not big on taking pictures and for that I regret dearly now.
I hear ya buddy. Sometimes its not till many years later we realize how very precious those pictures are. And more and more so as time goes on.
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