Watch Documentary: Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
A gay man's view of the world from down Texas way
C I V I L M A R R I A G E I S A C I V I L R I G H T.A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.
Thanks for the heads up.
I was hospitalized the end of June and again in July this past summer. I'm getting bills from doctors and "associates" I don't even remember seeing me. They probably looked in my chart as a "consult" and charged me for it. I'm on Medicare but that only pays 80% of it. Supplementary Insurance would cost my over $2.000/year which I can't afford. We need universal health care for everyone in this country. Heaven help us if the Republicans win!
Davis - you're welcome.
Stan - Amen!
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