C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Drive: Desiderata

Click to enlarge.

For my truckbuddy Frank, who reminded me of it:  The 1927 poem by American author Max Ehrmann, as spoken by Les Crane on the 1971 Grammy-winning recording, which your Head Trucker used to own.

Note to the younger generations:  The visuals in the above video are of recent date.  There were, of course, no music videos in 1971, nor any VCR's or home computers or Internet.  You listened to the radio, you listened to records, and you made up pictures in your head.  Once in while, if you happened to be sitting in front of the TV set, watching a particular show at a particular time, you might get to see a song performed; but you never saw that episode again, not ever.

Believe it or not, children, that's just the way it was, and we all thought it was wonderful.  You don't miss what you never had.


Frank said...

I can’t really say I love Desiderata. If anything, I have mixed feelings about pretty sounding words. For example, Who can argue with a statement like “The universe is unfolding as it should”? I think that is the appeal of the poem. If you wanna call it that and the recording. I wonder what words or recordings would catch the imagination of young and old people in 2024.

Russ Manley said...

I love pretty words, and words in general. I disremember now what it was you said, but I had the impression you were fond of this poem. It's a lovely inspirational piece, with a Biblical tone, and obvivously written by a wise and warm-hearted fellow. I see by the comments on YT that many folks have treasured it as a guide to life all these years, or so they claim.

God only knows what would inspire young folks today, when the airwaves and intertubes are slopping over with every kind of hateful, coarse, brutal, morbid, grotesque, violent songs and speech, not to mention horrific photographs and even animated video games - "you can play along" with murder, rape, and torture. WTF?

As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. But nobody listens to me, so I'll just stop right there.

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