C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Biden Tells the Nation: Cool It

For the second time since Friday's assassination attempt on Donald Trump, President Biden addressed the nation today, saying,
There is no place in America for this kind of violence, for any kind of violence, ever, period, no exceptions.  We can't allow this violence to be normalized.  You know, the political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated.  It's time to cool it down.  We all have a responsibility to do that.

What I say:  Well, all right, Mr. President.  I agree that calmness is needed now.  But a spade is a spade is a spade.  

How can you succeed in defeating this Teflon-coated opponent if you don't plainly point out that he tried to overthrow the government of the United States, overturn an election, and is a pathological liar with no conscience or sense of shame?  As you yourself have done before.

How can we ordinary citizens down here at the bottom of the totem pole discuss what you yourself have called a grave threat to democracy without telling the simple truth?  Without mentioning the many, many outright lies and bogus claims that we have all seen and heard, which were recorded by every news outlet in the country?

How can any decent, intelligent, moral person ignore that fact that your opponent and his political cohorts are openly planning to shred the Constitution and establish a permanent dictatorship in this country?  Aided and abetted - indeed, encouraged - in that enterprise by a corrupt and partisan Supreme Court?

Just what are we supposed to say - cooly, calmly, reasonably?  Please tell us in plain words so that we can follow your lead,

I know you're a very busy man, and don't have the time to get back to every constituent immediately.  That's okay - I'll wait for your response.  But I'm not sure history will.


Frank said...

Biden is a compassionate human being who takes his responsibility for unifying the nation seriously. I get it. But I agree that he should not retreat to the corner while the guy with a bloody ear is allowed to re-group. He needs to keep repeating the truth that the charlatan is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery. And that DJT is no martyr.

Russ Manley said...

What Biden quietly suggests happens to echo what all the right-wing commentators are shouting: that the "pure evil" Dems are responsible for the shooting because we keep scaring people with "Trump is a fascist" lingo. I'm also hearing that in "man on the street" interviews with private citizens. Notice how subtle the propaganda is: the people who don't want to be bulldozed by a dictatorship are responsbile for every bad thing that happens.

This is exactly the kind of shell game Hitler and his minions played in the years they were rising to power in Germany; and later when they were taking over neighboring countries one by one. Go look it up - the parallels are extremely close.

But I don't know what to say anymore. Seems tp me at this moment that it really doesn't matter a damn whether Biden runs or steps aside. Sweet reason and gentle persuasion simply cannot compete with the trendous gravitational attraction of a martyr cult. This too appears in history books.

Trump has been dealt a wonderful trifecta by malign fate: first, Biden's godawful debate performance; then the stinking SC decision, a gold-plated invitation to dictatorship; and now this shooting, which Trump is already saying God saved him from.

I say it's not God that is working in his favor, but the Devil - who your Bible tells you is the father of lies.

Jesus, mercy.

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