C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


ABC news reports on the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) north of Pittsburgh:


NBC provides this aerial photo of the location where the shooting occurred during a Trump campaign rally.  (148 yards = 444 feet = 135 meters)

Click to enlarge.

According to early reports, the shooter on a nearby rooftop fired at least eight shots from an automatic rifle.  On spectator was shot in the head and died instantly.  Two others are in critical condition at a local hospital.

The shooter was killed by a police sniper.  Details are yet to be provided.

This despicable act will only infuriate and energize the Trumpists.  Political violence has no place in American life.  What goes around, comes around, fellas.  Don't rejoice, don't gloat.  Biden could be next. 

And now Trump is a kind of martyr:  the Passion of the Donald will be a powerful icon.  This changes everything.  

Pray for our country:  deliver us from evil.

CBS News:

NBC News:

 President Biden spoke at an impromptu press conference shortly after the shooting:



Frank said...

I can only imagine the conspiracy theories being hatched already. Actually I can’t because conspiracy theories are incomprehensible to me. I do know that DJT will milk this for everything he can get. The money beg is inevitable. We are living in the twilight zone.

Russ Manley said...

Yup, we are. We worried about going over the edge come November. We may already be falling into the abyss. I think the whole country made up their minds yesterday, if they had any doubts. God help us all.

Sadly, it seems the shooter was a nerdy, nebulous, often-bullied kid who used his daddy's AR-15 to retaliate in a twisted, fucked-up way. We've seen that syndrome before.

Russ Manley said...

About his being bullied constantly in school, see this short NBC interview with a classmate:


Frank said...

But of course more support for those with emotional or mental illness won't be discussed by or provided through congress. And banning assault weapons, - anathema.

Russ Manley said...

Of course. "Guns don't kill people , , ,"

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