C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Let's Go to Riva del Garda

It was 110 here in Texas yesterday.  It's nearly 110 again today.  And it will be 110 tomorrow.  In other words, we are living in a roasting pan.   Even with the a/c running 24/7 and all the fans going, it's about 85 degrees in the house - much better than being outside, but still, we just feel drained and torpid all the time.

I got to wondering, where in the world could a body go to get cool, if one had the dough and the energy to travel?  And somehow I chanced upon this delightful stroll through the pretty lake town of Riva del Garda, up in the Italian Alps, where the temperature is 75 degrees and there's always a refreshing breeze blowing off the lake.  It was filmed just a couple of weeks ago.  There's no annoying background music, and the narration is in the captions.  Check it out. 

You're welcome.



Frank said...

Our internet speed is so slow today, it would take 3 hours to view the whole video...but from what I saw, looks nice. We have been HOT here, not 110 but around 100+/-3. And, although it's a DRY heat, the thin atmosphere allows the sun to penetrate like a laser beam. Very intense. It has been almost as isolating as COVID. I feel for Leon out in the wilderness several days each week. The Rio Grande is just about dried out in Albuquerque. I'm not sure if Elephant Butte reservoir is releasing water down-state.

Davis said...

I think about you guys in this heat. Fortunately up on the east coast we're in the 60s at night and today a glorious 78 - but Monday it was heat up again. But I can't imagine what y'all are going through. Sending cooling thoughts to you two.

Russ Manley said...

Frank - yeah the heat is terrible all over the Southwest. I hope Leon takes plenty of cold water bottles with him in the wilderness. I feel beat down just going to the grocery store and back.

Davis - Thanks for the cooling thoughts - be glad for what coolness you have there. This "heat dome" is real, and a real nightmare.

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