C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

What We're Watching: Vermeer, Master of Light

A few nights ago, M.P. and I watched this fascinating exploration of Vermeer's techniques, and had quite an interesting conversation afterwards.  M.P. being a trained artist, he understood more of the technical aspects than I did.  Very worth watching if you care anything about painting.



Davis said...

It's just incredible. The Rijksmuseum did their own exceptional video too - It's utterly glorious.

Russ Manley said...

Yes, just too marvelous for words. Rembrandt doesn't do it for me, I'm sorry to say - but Vermeer does.

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