C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What's My Line? 6/6/54

I'm sure many of my truckbuddies will, as I do, remember What's My Line fondly - the original series ran on CBS from 1950 to 1967, and was always entertaining, always elegant.  It's hard to watch these shows now and not weep for the decline of intelligence, beauty, and civilized behavior.  But if you need an antidote to all the sad, distressing news of late, try this delightful episode featuring, as a stand-in, the lovely young Margaret Truman - and some surprising guest occupations!


Davis said...

Very charming - and what a pleasure to see the gentlemen rise to shake hands with the contestants and address one another as "the distinguished …".

Russ Manley said...

Yes, it was a more civilized time than what we are stuck in now.

Stan said...

I remember watching it on Sunday night. I loved the "Mystery Round" where they would blindfold the panel. lol!
Television had a lot more class too then.

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