C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jesus Was No Bartender

Found at Joe.My.God:  Jesus did not turn water into wine at the wedding of Cana, you ignoramuses:

Which reminds me of a favorite joke my late husband told me:  There are three things Baptists don't recognize.  They don't recognize the Pope, they don't recognize the Jews, and they don't recognize another Baptist in the liquor store.

This video is no parody, guys, but totally for real. And I am surrounded by this kind of thinking (if you can call it that) here.  Of course, it doesn't stop with the grape juice fetish.  Miss Thing Rev. Grice also says The Wizard of Oz is "one of the most God-hating movies that there is," and not because there's a witch in it:

(He hates the movie, but he sure knows all the lyrics and all the steps, don't he? And has the dialogue down by heart.)

Now don't go sending nasty notes to that preacher, he's very small fry and not at all exceptional in his views for this part of the world. I post these vids just to show you boys up there in the blue state wonderland how common and ordinary this approach to life and this concept of Christianity is for millions of people. They are not all bug-eyed, jackbooted fascists, but rather are sadly ignorant of the facts of history and science and even grammar; and are sadly a majority of everyday working people who just don't know any better - but think they know all that matters.

Even more unfortunately, the folks who crowd the fundamentalist churches on Sunday are used for political gain by the real thugs, the slick, smooth, sophisticated ones, who are hellbent now, it seems, on making a theocracy out of a democracy, and all for the ultimate gain of the wealthy.

What's truly incomprehensible is why all you ever hear about on the news shows or in the blogosphere are the firebrand politicans and preachers, and never the sensible, rational ones. Which is why so many people on the liberal end of the spectrum - a majority of the young, I think, and a lot of the middle-aged - now equate all of Christianity with fundamentalism. And that's just not so. This is exactly the same logical fallacy - yes, I mean you, smug reader, with all your college degrees and friend lists and that vaunted "cultural awareness" you are so proud of, whatever that means - it's the exact same stupid thinking as my fellow Texans commit when they assert that all Muslims are terrorists.

Twisted thinking is not the exclusive property of the Right; nor is snobbery or tribalism.  We liberals and gays are human beings just like they are, and subject to the very same human failings.  Which is very important to remember:  we are all one human family, and nobody gets it right all the time.  Not even you or I.

But whether you are a believer or not, you should at least recognize that there is a Christianity that does not depend upon ignorance or literal interpretation of scripture. As witness this very fine sermon, "Brush with Grace," by the Rev. Buddy Stallings - a Mississippi transplant whose accent I love, natch - vicar at St. Bart's Episcopal in Manhattan.  You can read the sermon there, but I strongly suggest you click on the first little round button to the right of the text and listen to it instead.  You might just like what you hear:  a thoughtful, even humorous, Christian message that does not require switching off your brain first.

The ex-roommate and I were discussing this very point the other night:  why do you never hear from the rational, kind-hearted, well-balanced people?  As he said, maybe the Democrats and the Episcopalians (and all the other decent folks of every political and religious persuasion) are just too nice to raise their voices, make themselves heard.  They are rarely to be found screaming their message on street corners for the TV news cameras, so they just aren't covered.

Instead, all we hear are the ranting, foaming extremists.  Which is a great pity, your Head Trucker thinks.  Because that silence of the decent gives the foamers enormous power.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

See also a poem called "Hangman" that your Head Trucker just ran across.


M. Pierre said...

wow the ignorance is so rampant. since grapes, and other fruits have a relatively short ripening time, and fresh squeezed juice last but a day without preservatives or refrigeration.. all these stories of wine must have happened during the same month of each year, i mean there was no chilean fruit coming from below the equator, in import, durring the off season. did he not learn anything about ancient cultures in school... like that alcoholic beverages like beer and wine were means of preservation, not a means to get your drunk on. oh and lets all listen only to the king james version of the bible with all its many errors in translation, cause we know God must have dictated that version to king james himself.
then lets attack the wizard of oz,with all of it's funny little midgets (this is soo sadly off) because God is only outside of ourselves, never within... a man up in the sky after all. not part of our own divine nature, as the great mystics have taught, and as Jesus mistakenly told us when he said God was as a parent to ALL of us, (like begats like)and we are children Of God, and taught us a prayer which starts with OUR Father. if there has ever been a perversion of the Christian message, it has certainly been from these ignorant fundamental evangelist modern day phrisees. what kind of system of theological training turns out this twisted logic, and hatefilled preachers.
i once was a religion teacher and had two students from one of these denominations who went to a "bible college".. i won't say what denomination or college. but they were angry they had been taught lies. i said well there are different interpretations (me trying to be diplomatic)... NO,.. they said. they could show me some of their text books which taught outright lies, and they could find nothing anywhere in all their extensive research to support much of what they were taught as fact. i don't know why i let these folks with their "make believe", "made up" version of Christianity disturb me. i know im good with God, and God's good with me. but i hate injustice, and it's unjust to lead other so astray. ok enough..

Davis said...

Good post, Russ.

Russ Manley said...

M. Pierre - Among unenlightened people, there's always a need for a scapegoat, someone to hate, isn't there? Which is the antithesis of the Christian message, but that doesn't stop anyone.

Davis - glad you liked.

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