C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last Things

Just a note to say that on Thursday I cleaned out my office and on Friday I finished up at work.  So now I'm effectively unemployed.  Another chapter of my life begun, and who knows how that will end.

The way things worked out, I'll still get a couple more paychecks, and I have a little savings to draw on, but not one freaking idea what do to when all that runs out.  I have no idea where I'm headed.  If anywhere.

All I know is I could not do what I was doing any longer.  I reached a breaking point, as I've blogged about before.  So when you simply can't function any more, no steam left in the boiler, and the waves lapping over the deck - you step quietly into the nearest lifeboat with whatever dignity you can muster.  No fuss, no muss. 

And wait to see where the winds and the currents take you.

Wish me luck, guys.  A little prayer wouldn't hurt none, either.


Ultra Dave said...

Best of luck to you Russ! Sorry you had to leave in this economic climate. Hope your unemployment stint is a short one!

dave said...

You'll get a prayer from me, bud. You'll be fine - believe in your abilities and your good heart which are very evident here.

the cajun said...

Sounds like nailing that door shut was for the best. Another will open for you.
Yes, prayers ascend.

Russ Manley said...

Thanks guys, appreciate ya.

Stan said...

Well at least you didn't wait long enough for the job to stress you out enough to land in the hospital like me.
No fucking job is worth it believe me. I wish you luck Russ and I'll pray for better things to come your (and my) way too pal! I think at this point in out lives we both deserve it.

Sebastian said...

Prayers are going your way, Russ. Good luck in the next chapter of life, whatever that may bring.

Frank said...

It will be a challenge. There are sure to be days when you will be happy with your decision and possibly others when you will have doubts. There may be opportunities you've never even imagined. Wish you the best.

Mareczku said...

Hope that you can get some R & R and recharge your batteries. That plus maybe win the lottery. Wishing you all the best, hugs and prayers. Mark

Russ Manley said...

Thanks fellas, you guys are the best.

No problems here that a good man and a million dollars wouldn't fix . . . grin.

TomS said...

Russ, you are a brave man...and I admire your choice....You will always have lots of support here...
Keep us posted on your plans.

Doorman-Priest said...

Sorry its such a low point. Chin up! Thinking of you.

Russ Manley said...

Thanks guys.

Unknown said...

As always you are following your convictions. Well done and I proud of you

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