C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Election Convictions, Predictions, and Fictions

Screen shot from Voice of America report at a debate-watching party in a restaurant.  The video can be seen on Wikipedia here.

Well, despite my reservations expressed in yesterday's post, all the left-of-center journo types are still shouting hallelujah over Kamala's performance, and the repubs are crying and whining about "unfair moderators" - "it was three against one" - so I guess the debate was a win for Kamala.  It still bugs me, though, that she evaded several very direct questions about her change of mind on certain policies, and offered no coherent, large-scale plan for her presidency.  And though she expessed her commitment to democracy and the rule of law, there was no stand-up-and-cheer moment, no clarion call to arms, which  I suppose is what I was hoping for.

Election campaigns are always more show than substance.  Even some of our greatest presidents got into the White House not solely because they were wise and honest men, but because they were great showmen too.  

But for someone who had no idea of campaigning for the presidency two months ago, I think Kamala did her best - and did it damn well.  She's smart, articulate, experienced in national politics and foreign affairs, and, I believe, sincere in her allegiance to the Constituion and all that we expect a president to do and be.  And of course, she is the only candidate we've got - the only candidate worthy of the office.  So I support her 100 percent, and I hope all my truckbuddies will, too.  A victory for Trump and his legion of snarling trolls would mean the end of the American experiment, and I hope I don't live to see that.

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There's been so much commentary since the debate that I couldn't decide on a video to post today, so here's a potpourri you can choose from - some serious, some ridiculous, but each one has a noteworthy nugget or two of information or reaction.  A snapshot of America at this historic moment.  Enjoy.


You'll be amazed when you see what a sexy hunk this old guy was fifty years ago; and he's still going strong - mentally and physically:


And just for laughs, here's a very creative re-do of the debate - I won't say musical, because it hurts my old ears, but very creative nevertheless:


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