C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Only in Texas: Butthead and God

Our butthead governor, Rick Perry, is starting to make noises about a run for the White House.  Guys, if you thought the Bush regime was a long, dark night of misery, just wait till the next Republican gets in power.  And pray it's not Butthead.

Check out these gems of Perryism. First, God sent the recession to jerk the country back to Biblical economic principles:

As a YouTube commenter points out, Butthead is talking through his ass here:
Pardon me if I"m wrong - I thought it was God's man Joseph who told the Egyptian Phraoe to lay aside enough food to last through a famine. It was the Government of Egypt that fed and saved the people in the famine! Rick Perry has it half-assed backwards!
And if you love God and your country, save the date for the Day of Prayer down in Houston:

Fuck you if you're not a Bible-believing Christian, is the subtext here.

And Butthead has the American Family Association seal of approval:

So all you brutal, savage, Nazi homo fags, be warned: Rick Perry is on God's side, and he will stop your fascist takeover of America!


Craig said...

My God he's scary. I can't believe that he's actually a governor of such a large state (or any state for that matter). I'm assuming you voted for him :)

Russ Manley said...

I would sooner vote for Bozo the Clown than Perry.

Anonymous said...

OK, I didn't watch all the videos - didn't need to; already know about this idiot. But what I haven't found out after much extensive internet research - OK, about 5 minutes on Google - is if Butthead actually is a member of any church, and if he actually attends. I bet he is a Christian only when politically convenient.

Russ Manley said...

Another Republican sex scandal there in Austin would be delicious right about now, eh?

"Sir" said...

Ah those brutal Nazi gays. Hitler surrounded himself with butch homosexuals. Too funny!

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