Loving v. Virginia, the landmark Supreme Court case striking down all state laws against interracial marriage, was decided on June 12, 1967. Attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies, representing the plaintiffs in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, have made this short video as a reminder of the fundamental right to marry.
And just to jog your memories a little further, thought I'd throw in this clip from October, 2008 - make of it what you will:
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
R.I.P. Mildred Loving a wise woman.
To Mr. Biden and Ms. Palin: uh, yeah we're still waiting for those civil rights. I guess it's going to be up to the States.
Interesting, isn't it Stan, now that the re-election machine is gearing up, the White House is making noises about "evolving" into supporting equal marriage?
A most interesting post Russ. How far we've come... and yet not far at all.
Palin is scary. She's charming, idiotic and captivating all at the same time and I'm not altogether sure that I trust middle America to make the right choice.
This brings back memories for me. In 7th Grade, I wrote a paper about the Lovings. I couldn't imagine that they ended up in jail for being married. How could love be a crime? I was just an innocent kid who had never been down south so it was hard for me to understand. God bless the Lovings. May they rest in peace.
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